Keesha Hawkins Jones

Board Member
Evangel Church

Keesha Hawkins Jones hails from and currently resides in Montgomery, Alabama.  She is a small business consultant; is married to her Lanier sweetheart of 24 years; and is the mother of five phenomenal children, who have been educated in public, private, and homeschool environments.  Currently one of her children is enrolled at Davis Elementary School and one is enrolled at Bellingrath Middle School.

 She serves as Director of the Children’s Ministry at Evangel Church.

 Ms. Jones is a 1995 graduate of the Lanier Academic Motivational Program (the original LAMP) and received her Bachelor of Science in Business Administration with an Accounting Emphasis from Faulkner University in 2000. She has been an active Lanier Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA) Board Member since 2013 – serving as Secretary and Member-at-Large, and holds positions as Alumni Board Treasurer and Chairperson of the Alumni Board Academic Committee.

Keesha often reflects on Proverbs 11:25, and has adopted Matthew Henry’s paraphrase as her driving force for helping others: 

…he [that waters] shall be recruited as the clouds are which return after the rain, and shall be further useful and acceptable [for God’s service], as the rain to the new-mown grass.